
REYL Core Values

Let's get on the same page as we align with REYL core values, intentions, the REYL "I AM's" and the mission and vision of REYL, anchoring how we show up and how we expect you and all of our REYL Men to show up so we can keep growing and moving forward together.

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REYL Core Values

Learn about REYL's core values and intentions

Question 2 of 8




1) Period. Sometimes just showing up is enough!

2) With respect for my brothers.

3) With respect for myself.

4) With integrity in all I do and say.

5) Remembering I am already perfect, I am simply refining my highest self!

6) The way that my loved ones, family and spouse deserves.

7) Authentically, the way only I can.

8) To support others and agree to let others lift me up and accept help when I fall.

9) Excited for challenges because I know they will make me stronger.

10) With gratitude for my past and the lessons learned, as it brought me where I am right now, with appreciation for the present and the here and now and excitement for the future.


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Question 3 of 8

Our intentions for all MENbers of REYL is to "help men discover the REYL You, the highest version of yourself, through the three A's!


These three A's are first increasing AWARENESS and elevating your focus. Second being open to being ACCOUNTABLE to others and yourself. And third getting into ACTION, maybe even before you feel ready, but knowing movement increases clarity for your path!


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Question 4 of 8

Should I choose the path of a MENtor, the intention here is to continue to show up in support for the MENbers while continuing to develop personally as a leader through the three C's.


The three C's are first CONSISTENCY, showing up daily with intention for your health, your mindset and more, realizing that success is secondary the Prize is the Process! Second is COMMUNICATION, speaking out with confidence, standing up for and with others, asking questions more than you speak, and learning to up-level those questions. And third COLLABORATION, we are stronger together, we serve others in pursuit of bigger goals we don't yet know HOW to accomplish so we all need WHO's, and you can be a solution and a WHO for someone else, seeking first to be of value to others before we look for personal gain.


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The Mission

Learn more about the mission of REYL

Question 6 of 8

The REYL Mission: To create a world of men that inspire, teach and connect through love, family and brotherhood.


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The Vision

Learn more about the vision of REYL

Question 8 of 8

The REYL Vision: A world of powerful, loving and successful men changing how we define brotherhood to attain our highest potential.


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