REYL Community

Many men live by their 5 senses, REYL Men live by the 5 Peaks. We navigate and grow in all of these peaks to achieve the best version of ourselves, what we call "The REYL You." We do this together, in community, groups online and in person and at our REYL Retreats.

If You Are New, Start Here

The Latest REYL Motivation


Watch this intro video to get an overview of the community and best way to get value from it.


1st: Know Where You Are

The first step in any journey is knowing your starting point. 


Complete your "REYL Life Check-In" below. This is our proprietary assessment to learn which one of the 5 peaks will be your first priority, aka your priority peak. 

Learn the 5 focus areas for that peak and begin to observe them in your life. 

Download the REYL Life Check-In

2nd: Customize Your Journey

Check out the Challenges and jump into the "Circles" the groups inside the community that cover different topics. More circles will be added soon.  Post questions, tap into the content being shared and being to grow.

Let's go mobile. Click the link below for android or the button for apple to get the mobile app for our community and sign in.

* For android devices click here to get the app on google play store or search "KAJABI COMMUNITY" on Google Play store

Get Our "REYL" Mobile App for Apple Devices

3rd: Get Your "A" Moving

In REYL the three A's guide most all of what we do. The goal here to determine if you are needing to step into more AWARENESS, create more ACCOUNTABILITY, get into ACTION or all 3, relating to the first peak you are focusing on.

Get active in your "CIRCLES," get to know your MENtors and work to better understand your path to grow forward.


It stings, can be sobering and much more but coming into true Awareness of where you are is the first step toward true growth.


The days that are great are easy, we work to create Accountability for the hard times, the times you want to quit and be done, we push through, together.


Nothing else matters if we don't keep moving. A boxer is dead meat if he doesn't stick and move, the Action is critical.

Life's most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?

-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.